Qualified Dividends, Gifting Strategies, Roth Conversions, and Trust Taxation: Q&A #2510

March 8, 2025

Qualified Dividends, Gifting Strategies, Roth Conversions, and Trust Taxation: Q&A #2510

Jim and Chris are joined by Paul Neiffer, CPA to answer listener questions on qualified dividends, gifting strategies, Roth conversions, and trust taxation. (09:00) George wonders if frequent rebalancing in his taxable brokerage account is causing more of his dividends to be classified as unqualified. (21:30) A listener asks for guidance on which accounts to withdraw from when planning a large...

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Setting the Record Straight on Clickbait vs Reality: EDU #2510

March 5, 2025

Setting the Record Straight on Clickbait vs Reality: EDU #2510

Chris’s Summary: Jim is at yet another industry conference, so Jake is stepping in to join me this week. We pick up where Jim and I left off last time, discussing misleading financial articles. This time, we take a critical look at an article from Moneywise that claims to lay out the “standard” order for withdrawing retirement funds—but seems more focused on promoting paid links than providing...

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Social Security, 529 Plans, Fun Vision, and Annuities: Q&A #2509

March 1, 2025

Social Security, 529 Plans, Fun Vision, and Annuities: Q&A #2509

Jim and Chris sit down to discuss listener questions relating to Social Security, 529 plans, Fun Vision, and Annuities. (Intro – 12:00) Chris provides a Social Security PSA. (19:00) A listener wonders whether her husbands Social Security benefits have been getting a COLA since his passing or if they’ve been frozen. (26:00) A listener wonders if missed payment history from the...

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Jim Saulnier and Associates | 970-530-0556 | 506 East Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Ed Slott Advisor recognition requires an advisor to be well versed on the rules and regulations regarding IRAs. The advisor must attend two live training sessions and pass two written exams annually to remain in the program. Jim Saulnier & Associates, LLC (“RIA Firm”) is a registered investment adviser located in Fort Collins, CO. Jim Saulnier & Associates, LLC may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Current registered states: CA, CO, PA, TX, WA, IL Insurance products and services are offered and sold through James H. Saulnier, a Colorado licensed insurance producer, only in those states in which he is reciprocally licensed or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from licensing requirements. Current reciprocal insurance licensing in these states: AZ, CA, CA, CN, FL, HI, IA, MA, MD, NY, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY Click here for a more detailed disclosure.